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Youth Perspective Consultation

As a Committee of Council, the Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs is sought out by the City of Airdrie and various community organizations to receive a youth perspective on various issues, programs, and services prior to their implementation and for improvement on existing projects. The Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs is happy to provide this service to any who require it and align with our goal of acting as a voice for the youth of Airdrie. 

Among the City Departments we have engaged with:

  • Events Services

  • Airdrie Fire Department

  • Social Planning

  • Transportation 

  • Intergovernmental Services

Youth Engagement

As a part of our mandate, the Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs seeks to regularly engage with local youth and promote communication between the youth of the community, the ABYA, and City Council. The ABYA attends several events and supports many initiatives to connect with youth and gauge the issues and the realities they are facing.

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Vaping & Mental Health Awareness Campaign
and Smoking Bylaw Amendment 

The Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs is undertaking an initiative close to our hearts and one that is rather polarizing within the youth community. The Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs intends to raise awareness around the short and long term health ramifications of vaping with an ultimate goal of amending bylaws, educating, and reducing the stigma around mental health and illness such that people are more readily able to seek the help they require. The ABYA has celebrated Council's decision to amend and pass Bylaw No. B-12/2020, being a bylaw to amend Smoking Bylaw No. B-44/2004.

The board continues to work on the vaping campaign with the hopes of creating and implementing a preventative teaching tool for middle school-aged youth. 

Mayor for a Day Initiative


As an ongoing project, each year, the Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs is honoured to take part in the process of reviewing submissions and selecting the top three sixth grade students to compete to be Mayor for a Day. As the primary selection and vetting committee, the ABYA is lucky enough to see the abundance of ideas that the youth in this community possess and we are always excited to sit down with Airdrie City Council in the final stages of the selection process.


Throughout the school year, the Airdrie Board of Youth Affairs and its members often volunteer at different events. You can often find our members at events such as the Airdrie Festival of Lights, AirdrieFEST and the Homecoming Festival. 

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